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Welcome to Kei Rune Art

I am Dustin Wilson, aka Kei Rune, I have been drawing and painting over 20 years and have developed a number of series that I am constantly working on. I stream the creation on twitch or do live paintings when I can. I also have always had ADHD so mental health is a big theme of a lot of my work and it is my sincere hope that my art brings peace, joy, or the ability to start the conversation about mental health.

The Streets Collection

This is a collection of drawings and merchandise based on Hip hop artist and the streets that made them who they were.

The Xenos Collection

An abstracted collection based on the idea of the stranger but discarding human form to create the identity of someone never met.

Nautical Neurosis

Tounge in cheek marine characters that have spawned their own backstories.

The Nespartia Collection

Abstracted art landscapes based in psychology.